Wednesday, 21 January 2009

The Man

The mans collected loves gather
around him in judgement.
Their sentences laced with talk of better boys,
more interesting times.
The depth of the man's thought is irrelevant in this congregation.

In a world that gives people like him no helping hand,
this room will surely be the death of him.
In a room full of nothing but broken pride.
Of moments passed and wasted.
Most of all, a room that is unforgiving.

Every member of this party fully aware that
they are superior to The Man in the only
way that matters most
...they said no.

We are told that there are many important
events throughout this little life of ours,
and yet the most important,
being able to achieve a persons affection
is paramount

Not just any person of course.

That one person that gives your
life meaning for that small space in time,
dwarves every other thing.

With time of course this rejection will fade,
as all things do with time.
However the feeling only fades
nearly in perfect synchronicity with
the next person entering your life.
They also hold that kill switch to their chest.

In waiting.

To Kill the man again

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